Working to prevent moisture from entering High-Rise buildings presents challenges to both the specifiers as well as the contractor. The taller the building, the higher the wind pressure, ordinary water repellents fail to resist wind driven moisture. Creto's combination of their Deep Penetrating Sealer (DPS) and TopSealwater repellent can block out wind driven rain exceeding 90 mph. The DPS is a non-membrane forming sealer that when cured leaves the top surface of the concrete free and clear to accept any type of topical coating which will not blister or peel due to substrate moisture. The Creto DPS can be used either under the Creto TopSeal if a natural concrete effect is needed, or with a coating by others should colorization be your goal. The DPS is an excellent choice for exterior balconies to block moisture from the negative side, without affecting the application of any form of covering on the positive side. Creto Deep Clean is contractor friendly, cleaning quickly without caustic chemicals.